Sunday, March 20, 2016

#41 " Take pride in how far you have come, have faith in how far youcan go."

       A lot has happened since the last time I blogged so I'll briefly go over the week before we left for the San Jose Family Camp. Monday was our last day of work in which we worked around an older mans house cutting down smaller trees, pulling brush and taking down an old rotted out porch. The day went a lot faster than planned so after work the team dropped me off at the fire safe council office so I could sharpen the saws after they were sharpened they came back to pick me up and when I got back we all had to deep clean the house. While people were finishing cleaning we also started to pack the van up to go back home. During this time Donna came back to pick up some of her tools and table that she had lent us; and to say her final goodbyes.
        Just wanted to say a quick and very appreciated thank you to our supervisor Donna for teaching us how to run a chainsaw and other various power tools. I always had a fun time working with you and I hope to see you again in the near future!
       Anyways, after we were all done we went out for dinner one last time to "Big A's" which is a drive in type restaurant that is famous for their root-bear. Personally I thought their shakes were fa-nominal. When we got home we watched a movie together and went to bed.
     Tuesday we got up around 8:30, got ready, finished last minute cleaning, put our bags in the car just in time for our house inspection which was at 9. After that we said our final goodbye to Joanne (our sponsor) and left to go back home. I also want to say a quick thank you to Joanne for welcoming us with open arms and treating us like family.
      The ride back wasn't bad at all since 1.the drive was only an hour and a half and 2. We 2 vans which meant a person per row. When we got back we brought all of our stuff up to our rooms and then Melissa and I had to take the van in to get an oil change and car wash. When we got back we hung around campus for the rest of the day, waiting patiently for the other teams to come back.
     Wednesday and Thursday were filled with meetings and events for ATL training, VST training, debrief, and unit celebration. All the training's weren't that exciting but were informative.
    Friday was pretty exciting because it was an LAA day (Life After Americorps) we went to 3 different sessions of our choice and 2 mandatory ones. The sessions ranged from what your able to use the scholarship award on, finding a career path for you, to different careers in the military. There was a "career" type of fair as well in one of the main buildings, that had different organizations talking about what kinds of opportunities are out there for after Americorps. I finished the day, and started the weekend by hanging out with a couple of my team mates.
     Saturday I didn't do much at all. I woke up late, and basically tanned outside listening to a baseball game (Athletics and Reds) on my retro radio. And that's basically all I did.
     Monday I woke up late again and since it was pretty cloudy this morning I decided to clean my room up a bit and prepare it for when I have to leave again. Around 12 it started raining so I ended up just hanging out with Aisya and Joe in one of the lounges and watched a movie. I the started to  prepare myself for the next couple days, finishing up work before we left on Wednesday.
         Tuesday (March 21st) was a pretty hard day for the whole team. We had two very important team members go home. Both had bigger and better opportunities waiting for them that were offered before the program ended and I am so extremely grateful to have met such loving and inspiring individuals.


Last day with Melissa and Aisya :(

#40 Just a normal Saturday

        Saturday was a laid back day. I woke up around 8:30 and made breakfast with Aisya, Joe and Maddie. Around 12 we went to the office to get some work done and so I could work on my blog posts. We ended up staying there till 5 and then headed back to the house to get ready to go to our sponsors daughter, elly, show choir concert. The drive there was a little scary because you had to take small back roads to get to the high school and it was down pouring the whole way there. The performances were amazing especially one girl who was a sophomore who sang  "Vienna" by Billy Joel (After the concert we listen to it in the car and all liked the girls version more.) After the concert we congratulated elly and ran back to the car, getting soaking wet in the process.  The drive back home was scarier than the drive there because not only were we driving through buckets of rain and on back roads but also in the dark. On the way home we had to pick up a couple of the boys that stayed at the office. When we were about there, there was a bright flash in the sky that almost looked like lightning, but was an electric blue color, it lasted longer than lightning and 3. There was no thunder afterwards. So we picked up the boys and headed home.When we were about five minuted away from being home we were stopped from a fire engine in the road. We stayed there for about 25 minutes until a police officer came around telling everyone that they would either have to find a different way back home or they'd be waiting a very long time. We turned around to find the quickest way back which turned out to be 45 minutes. We ended up arriving home around 11:30, everyone being pretty tired.
 To be completely honest I'm not entirely sure which Saturday this was since I've been pretty busy so there may be a couple days missing. So I'll continue on to the days following up to me leaving to go back to campus for transition in my next blog post.

Saturday, March 5, 2016

#39 "No experience is ever wasted, everything has meaning."

     I forgot to mention that on Sunday I was able to go to an old mining museum here in Grass Valley which was so interesting to hear about different things the miners had to do and other general history of the town during that time. We were able to go into the main museum which was neat because it wasn’t open to the general public since they were refurbishing the inside.  

      Monday we started off at a site that had a couple trees cut down because they were dying from bark beetles. Our job was to go in and clean up all of the extra limbs that were scattered all over the place. Only problem was, was that everything was on a steep hill. Not only was the hill steep but very slick from all the pine needles. We ended up climbing to the top to start and would throw all the debris from the top to a lower section and continue until it was all at the bottom. Once it was at the bottom we would stack it to be chipped. While some people did that another group was on the hill below that doing the same thing. Since I’m the “sawyer” on the team I was in charge of sawing up the much larger logs that came down. The work wasn’t too tough, you’d move at your own pace to get to the top since the ground was slick; but safety was a large issue on Monday especially when a giant cut log that was about 2½ feet thick and 5 ½ feet in diameter, got unlogged from where it was and came tumbling down the hill straight for one of my team mates who proceeded to run for their life (literally) and then jump over yet another large log to safety. After that little incident we stayed away from the large stuff. I did leave around 12 with Emily and Melissa to go to a high school and recruit for NCCC. It was funny to be there because one boy said “wow guys, just think, in two months we’ll be out of here, and in the real world”. After hearing that I thought right back to last year, during this time and thinking the same thing. But now here I am, only a year later traveling across the US, talking to teens that are basically the same age as me, telling them that, hey ya know if you don’t know what you want to do after you graduate, I guarantee that this will change your life… Anyways the recruiting event went very smoothly and we got 15 emails out of the 20 students that were in the Junior/senior class and about 7 emails out of the 25 in the freshman/sophomore class; which in my opinion is pretty good for students who basically just started high school.

       Tuesday we were at the same worksite doing the same kind of stuff. I again chain sawed for a good amount of the time but then switched to climbing the smaller hill to throw down debris. During lunch a few of my team mates and I went on a little hike to the suspension bridge over the river next to where we worked. The area was beautiful! And after I ate I decided to try and walk across the long bridge. The first attempt went very poorly since all I could do was 1.look down to see how high the bridge was from the water and 2. See how far the end of the bridge was. In my defense I’m already scared of heights and although the bridge was very stable it was in a way bouncy whenever people would walk across it. I ended up walking (crawling) back to the side of the bridge that I originally started on with my fellow team mates laughing at me because I was too scared to cross the bridge. My Team leader just told me to keep telling myself not to be scared while I crossed the bridge, so that’s what I did, and I’m so happy that I did because it was so beautiful to look out from the center of the bridge and it felt pretty darn good to accomplish a little fear. After work we came home and took a long walk for PT.

       Today (Wednesday) we started off the day in mixed emotions. First of all we decided to do a hike for PT this morning in Nevada City, so we had to wake up almost an hour before when we usually wake up. As we got in the car Amanda put on her music, but it wasn’t exactly music. It turned out to be a voice recordings from one of the employees back on campus telling us what our next project is!

   So I’m glad to announce that Silver 6 will be living in Yosemite National Park working with the Tuolumne River Trust! Our primary role will be to take a leadership role in managing tree planting volunteer events in burned areas of the Stanislaus National Forest through the late winter and spring. Other activities that we will be taking part in are trail rehabilitation, fuel reduction, data collection, presentations on program activities in local schools, assistance for camps near the Rim Fire burn area, installing fencing to protect sensitive plant species and restored meadow areas, and occasional participation in events with the Trust’s office in Modesto, CA.                                       
      After the big news my team had all mixed emotions. Mostly everyone was excited to find out that we will be living in Yosemite for our next project; but at the same time it is yet another environmental project. And don’t get me wrong, I am beyond excited to be going to Yosemite because I’ve heard and seen pictures of how beautiful it is. I just didn’t imagine the first three of my projects to be environmental; I thought I’d get at least 2 projects to be working closely with people. Who knows though maybe it will turn out differently than what we assumed.
    Thursday we left early to go to a different sight, but we were still working with the group of older gentleman. We started off pulling scotch broom around a subdivision near Nevada City. Then after lunch we headed back to the original site with the steep hill and finished up around there. We left around 2:30ish to go back to the office for the weekly debrief.
       Friday we were able to work with Donna again! We went to a snap client’s house which was about an hour drive from home. The lady whose house we were working on said she was turning 70 this year; but she didn’t look a day over 50. Anyways we were cutting down a lot of manzanita that was next to her driveway (I was chain sawing). It was sprinkling for most of the morning then the sun came out towards the beginning of noon. “The calm before the storm” Donna said; and she was right because it then began to rain fairly hard on us the rest of the workday. I finished up cutting the rest of the manzanita then we packed up our tools and headed out. As we were backing the van out of the driveway, we went off the driveway a little and got stuck so we all had to pile out again to help push the van out of the little ditch we created. When we got home we had to take the chainsaw test to be officially certified by the government. After the test I helped Melissa with the VST (Vehicle Safety/ Tools) weekly update (I ended up taking over that position after my team mate left). VST’s are required to clean out the van top to bottom, go over car fluids/ tire pressure and a few other things every week. I’m actually happy to have this other specialty role since it is useful information for the future, even if it is simple things like checking tire pressure and knowing when to fill up different car fluids. After that we all went and met Joanne at Pine Street Burgers; a local restaurant near Grass Valley. Since it was Friday I wasn't able to have meat so I got their famous vegetarian Nut burger. The burger is made out of pecans, brown rice, garlic & cheese, topped with brie and sun dried tomato pesto. The taste was interesting and I didn't actually finish it all since for some reason I couldn't wrap my head around the fact that it wasn't meat. After we went back home to drop mostly everyone off than molly and I went grocery shopping for food over the weekend. When I got home I had 4 different meetings. The first was a one on one meeting, there as an VST meeting, peer helper meeting and the last was an ATL (Assistant Team Leader interview/meeting).
        That's another exciting thing that happened this past week, Molly and I are officially the Assistant Team leaders. This means I will be in charge of a part of the grocery shopping, keeping track of finances, helping with quantifiables , weekly project report and a other paperwork. This also means that it will be a little harder to keep up with my blog with all the extra work, but I will try my best to keep it updated!

Crossing the bridge
View from the middle of the bridge.