Saturday, February 27, 2016

#38 "You can't have a rainbow without a little rain."

        This last week has been the worst week silver 6 has ever had. Monday through Friday we worked on a trail having to pull scotch broom, cut down trees and blackberry, pushing it back 10-15 feet from the actual trail and it wasn't the work that made us upset; it was our supervisor for this past week who was extremely rude. Not once did he have something nice to say. The only neat things that happened was I found a bunch of banana slugs, I found a really pretty leaf and on Wednesday an older couple that are part of the Fire Safe Council had us over for dinner and there house was absolutely beautiful with an amazing view of a gorgeous sunset. The worst thing though that happened this past week is one of my team mates decided to go home. I wont say their name or reasoning for wanting to go home, but we all are missing this team mate terribly, but we know that this is a decision that they wanted and they need to do what is best for them.
        I know that this post isn't long at all but there wasn't much that happened this past week all that exciting.


Baby tree!

Banana slug

Banana slug

The sunset at the couples house

#37 I am forever in awe of my Creator.

        Tuesday was technically our first day of work. We met up with a few older men and women that lived in the community that were going to help us out that day. We started off working in a lower area by a house, pulling scotch broom and taking down a few old trees and limbs. I started off with the chainsaw, surprising a few of the old men it seemed like. The area in which we were working was so hot not only because there was no breeze (since we were at the bottom of a hill); but it was also the hottest day of the year thus far in the area. One thing that went wrong was one of the chainsaws started to act up. So I tried starting it up which it did, but the chain wouldn't move so I decided to take it up to the car and take it apart to see what might be the problem. After I worked on it, it seemed to run fairly well so I got back to work. After work we went back home, had a meeting, dinner and then went to bed.
        Wednesday we went to the same sight to finish up pulling some scotch broom and lopping a few more dead branches. After we were done with that sight we headed over down the road to pull more scotch broom. It wasn't very fun but we all knew it was very important work because the road that we were working on was the only road out of that area during a fire, that had a little over 500 houses! We ended up leaving a about 10 minutes early because a fairly large storm was coming and we didn't want to get caught in it while working.
        Thursday was a funny day because our unit leader was coming over for most of the day to have a meeting with us about the project. For the first couple hours our Unit Leader and the guy above him had a meeting with our sponsor so the rest of my team had to clean the whole house. After their meeting our sponsor left and then we had a meeting with our Unit Leader, explaining how the project is going and any concerns we might have. After they left we headed to do a couple hours of busy work and then were done for the day. Later at night silver 6 was invited to the annual fire safe pasta dinner where most of the California foresters come out and have a presentation of their accomplishments. The pasta was okay but most of the team ended up feeling pretty sick after words so we weren't sure if it was possible food poisoning  or maybe it was too rich.
          Friday we started of at a snap clients house and had to cut down all of her trees along the side of her driveway, which was very, very small. After we cut them down we had to limb them up and stack them along the fencing. One neat thing that Melissa and I saw when we cut off one limb was in the middle of the tree we cut was a perfect little heart. The older lady lived with her daughter and both of them were so sweet. When I talked to them they kept telling me how tall I was haha. After that house we went to one more house and didn't have to do much there. All we did was take out a few bushes and rake a few leaves. After that house we were treated to frozen yogurt. While we ate, our main supervisor, donna talked to us about how we are a team and the importance of having each others back. At night we all were excited because we were going to Lake Tahoe over the weekend!
       Saturday morning we left at 8:30am and got to the Lake Tahoe area around 10:30ish. Our first stop was at a lookout next to the lake. The views were absolutely beautiful so obviously we had to take a bunch of pictures. After that we left and sense our hotel rooms weren't ready yet we went to a few shops that were a ways down the road. I ended up getting a super comfy "Lake Tahoe" crewneck. Later on in the evening, the girls in my room and I ordered pizza before the team went snowshoeing. After they ate they got ready to leave while I stayed in the room and watch movies. I know it sounds boring and wasteful to stay in the room when your around Lake Tahoe but 1.I had no desire to go snowshoeing in the dark, 2. it is good to be alone sometimes and 3. I saw so many beautiful views from the lookout that we went to earlier that day.
       On Sunday we left Tahoe around 11 and had to stop on the way home because our car needed more break fluid. My team and I ended up walking around the town that just had the basic stores/restaurants (Michaels, panda, Maurices,etc...). As a team we went to Chili's for lunch because we had a good amount of extra funds. We ended up arriving back home around 4ish and started to get ready for the next week.


Lovely little tree heart.

Lake Tahoe!

found my store!
Silver 6 ladies!

Wednesday, February 17, 2016

#36 "With God all things are possible."

        Sunday night I could not seem to fall asleep at all. Because of that and not feeling well in general I decided to stay home from work on Monday and get some rest and complete some peer helper work. I ended up doing laundry, cleaning my room, making tons of posters and activities planned for peer helper meetings, and of course occasional cat naps. When everyone got back they started right away doing PT while I cooked dinner.  I decided to make tatter-tot casserole, which turned out to be delicious and reminded me a lot of home. I even made vegetarian tater-tot casserole which the vegetarians on my team said was really good. It was pretty funny to see some of my teammate’s reaction when they first heard what I was making. Evidentially the east coast has never heard of tatter-tot casserole; but they all loved it! So thanks Aunt Suzan for teaching me how to make the yummy dish!
      On Tuesday we went to a hill that needed a lot of scotch broom pulled so we worked with a few men that helped maintain the land. One of the older men was 89 years old and still driving an ATV around and walking up and down hills. After the hill we had lunch in the back yard of one of the men’s houses then continued work on the hill behind his house, pulling scotch broom. I’m not sure if it was the different soil or temperature I that area, but that scotch broom was a lot more difficult to pull. Not only that, but there were fire ants everywhere! They would crawl into our boots, and on our arms; they were everywhere. We were all pretty happy to leave the aunt infested area and return home. When we got home two of my team mates made fried chicken and homemade baked mac-n-cheese which was delicious! We weren’t able to enjoy it as much as we wanted because we planned a ghost tour at an old hotel in Grass Valley called the Holbrooke Hotel. The man giving the tour was more interesting than the tour itself. He definitely was a character! The tour was really interesting but I wish we were able to actually go into the rooms that the ghostly encounters took place in but I understand why we couldn’t since it is still a fully operating hotel.
       Wednesday was a fun and relaxing day. In the morning we had PT which was the regular mile and a half run which I cut another 4 minutes off my time; push-ups, sit-ups and eat  Our first house we went to was an older lady’s house that needed a lot of brush removal. This house in particular was pretty fun because the lady had a dog named Emily that I believe could play fetch all day long. We would cut down a small bush, throw the Frisbee and by the time we cut the next limb Emily (the dog) would be back to have it thrown again. After saying goodbye to the lady and her cute dog we went and had lunch at another bridge. After lunch we finished the day another older lady’s house, raking the leaves up from her yard.
          Thursday we got up early again for PT doing yoga.  We ended up going to a very open area to pull a bunch of scotch broom. While we were there Amanda and Pat went to the hospital because they both had severe cases of poison oak. The day turned out to be a lot of fun because Aysia and I found a bunch of neat stuff while we were working. Aysia ended up finding two little newts, I found a baby scorpion, a couple mice and we also found a cute little red mushroom. One of the men who was in charge that day brought us a bunch of goodies that his wife bought us, such as brownies, apples, cookies, banana’s, tea…etc. We ended up getting a lot of work done which felt really fulfilling. After work we got home and Melissa’s boyfriend came to pick her up (since it’s a 3 day weekend, a couple team mates decided to get away for a while.) After they left a few of us decided to go to target to get out for a while. Before we went to target though we dropped off Amanda who was meeting her mom to spend time with her over the weekend.
           Friday turned out to be a little crazy. A lot ended up happening in the morning including a little fender bender to the back of the van which was a total accident. Then our client fell through so we had to practice chain sawing. Well that would have been fine except the chainsaws wouldn’t work properly so we didn’t do much at all Friday until later on in the evening. A few of my team mates and I decided to go to Nevada City to the tea lounge again. It ended up being a good night despite the crazy morning.
        Saturday we decided that it’s going to be a lazy day so we woke up late, made our Saturday breakfast (pancakes, scrambled eggs and hash browns, which I believe is becoming an annual thing to do every Saturday morning) and are just lounging around all day.
         On Sunday we went to a non denominational church since that is the church that Aisya goes to. I thought it was such a neat experience! Honestly I felt like I was at a church retreat or religious concert. After church we went out for brunch at a restaurant in Grass Valley called Charlies Café which neither Aisya or Molly had gone to. After that we went back home for a little and changed into our AmeriCorps gear because we were going to be in the Valentines/Mardi Gras/Presidents day parade! It was so much fun throwing out all the purple/green/gold and red beads to people. I also got some pictures of some pretty festive people haha. After the parade we changed into "civilian clothes" and enjoyed the rest of the festival. It was however a little strange because only an hour after the parade it seemed like everyone dispersed. Almost everyone was out of the street, and the vendors were all gone. We then went home and watched a movie together to finish the eventful day.
        Monday we had the day off since it was presidents day. There was a group of people that went with our sponsor to Sacramento to go to an oriental market because on Tuesday Joanne was going to make us Tai food! Unfortunately all the people that were going were also drivers. So that meant those that stayed home were not going anywhere. At first we were a little bummed but we actually had a really nice relaxing day. Aisya, Maddie, pat and I decided to lay outside since the weather was absolutely perfect! Maddie made everyone a delicious fruit and veggie smoothie and pat made us a tomato/mozzarella/basil grilled sandwiches. I made sure to send a picture to my mom, just to let her know that I'm doing alright. hehe. Later in the afternoon the rest of the team came back and we all went into town to either go to the office or walk around town. I ended up getting a few things in town and spending a little time at the office. We then all went back home, watched a movie to end our fun filled weekend.
       I also forgot to mention, on Tuesday in the morning I had an interview with the director of the True North program located in Pennsylvania. During the 30 minute interview I watched the sun rise above the mountains and felt completely at peace. At 7:30 AM the director informed me that I have been accepted into the program! So what does this mean? Well if all goes as planned I will be moving into the apartments on September 3rd to begin my next 9 month adventure. I will be learning more about the bible, serving people and traveling. I still have a lot to do before engaging on this next adventure including getting a passport for a mission trip to Thailand!


My "newt" friend I made on the work sight

The perfect little mushroom

My Valentines/Mardi Gras dress (in front of Charlies Café)

Molly, Maddie and I before the parade.

A couple colonial drummers.

Look at all these beads!

Mr.Mardi Gras himself!

Some of the team!

Friday, February 12, 2016

#35 Sunday Fun day!

    On Thursday we went to a school to clear a bunch of fallen trees and brush that was around the parking lot. There were so many small trees that had to be cut down. I ended up chain sawing for about 4 hours straight.
     Friday we had to go to two houses. The first one was a basically a junk house. The lady that lived there had a hoarding problem so bad that if someone on the team had to use the restroom it wasn't safe to go in her house.  We cut a lot of blackberry, sawed down some little trees and limbed up some of the larger trees. After that house we went to have lunch on an old bridge which wasn't that much fun, because it was so old, that there were gates blocking it off. After lunch we headed to our sponsors dads house because he too is part of a fire wise community. I limbed up a lot of trees and stacked brush for most of the day. towards the end we all were making large burn piles out of old blackberry and a fallen tree. When we were done, Joanne came to the house and made us pizza for dinner. The evening was very relaxing just sitting around the table with the girls talking. After dinner we went home and molly and I decided to go on a drive and listen to country music in the van. There's a lot of team members that despise country so unless we have our own earphones, we don't listen to it. Along with going on a drive, we also wanted to go star gazing. We decided to go to where Melissa and I went to the lookout the one day we went on the long walk. As we were driving we came to a fork in the road. We both didn't remember that part of the drive so we decided to take the left road. As we were driving we didn't recognize anything so turned the van around and went the road to the right/middle instead. Well that was definitely a mistake because it ended up turning into a dirt road and came to a dead end. So we had to turn around; the problem was there was no place to turn around besides turning around a 12 passenger van is no easy task; and that's not even coming from a driver. Our only option was to back the van up the whole way (which was about a mile). We almost got the van stuck in some mud at one point but thank goodness we didn't because we were not up for getting out of the van at night, in the middle of no where. When we finally got out we decided to just pull of on the side of the road to look at the stars. When we were leaning up against the van, I moved my foot a little causing molly to freak out because she heard something. After I called her a goof I told her that it was only my foot haha. While she was talking I noticed that there were so many frogs croaking. When all of a sudden they all stopped and it became dead silent (other than moll talking). I looked at molly and then she too realized that it had gone silent. After she realized that we heard a bang and booked it back to the van. We finished the night driving to Nevada City to pick up our TL. Personally I felt like Friday night was one of the most fun nights I've had so far in California.
       On Saturday Aisya, Patrick and I made a delicious breakfast consisting of pancakes, scrambled eggs and cut up fried potatoes (hash browns). After dinner we got ready to leave to a animal shelter called "Sammy's friends" that is about a 5 minute walk from our housing.  At Sammies we were working on the dog walking trail putting down fresh woodchips and straw. The group that I was in was in charge of the straw. It turned out to be pretty fun and by the end everyone left but I stayed behind and was able to walk one of their dogs. I ended up walking Eva who, sadly was born in a shelter and has grown up in them (she’s currently 2 years). Eva was absolutely beautiful and such a sweet dog. I ended up walking her around the freshly done walking trail then played with her on the fake grass. After about an hour and a half I walked back home and changed to go out with some of my team mates. We ended up going to a restaurant in Nevada City called Lefty’s. I thought the food was great but the price, not so much. After dinner they dropped me back off at home then went to spend the rest of the night out drinking. I decided to watch some movies with my team.
       Sunday was absolutely beautiful out (about 80 degrees) so all the girls got our bathing suits on and went outside to tan, while listening to 80's rock on my retro radio. I would have much rather done that all day but we had a mandatory ISP for a "day of service" with another local team. (Gold 6 to be exact). We were first split up into teams then pulled up scotch broom for a few hours. The time spent really wasn't that bad and in the end it turned out to be fairly fun.
         Because it was Super bowl Sunday one man from the fire safe council invited the whole team to watch the game with his family. The way up to their house was crazy! There were so many giant potholes and little hills in the roads I felt as if we were on some adventure ride at Disney. When we got up to the house we were amazed by 1st how beautiful the views were and secondly, how many dogs they had running out to see us! They said that they have a total of 9 dogs and 11 cats! The family were amazing hosts and had delicious food including wings, ribs, potato salad, corn salad, guacamole & chips, garlic bread and lemon bars. The house was huge and included 1. an amazing view of mountains, am in-ground pool, Jacuzzi, and amazing back deck. They also had an ATV that I was able to drive around their 10 acre property. We all left with tummy's full and some not so happy with the outcome of the game. All in all it was a wonderful night.

Eva the dog

The views from super bowl Sunday

Monday, February 8, 2016

#34 When it rains, it pours.

         Monday morning came quick after the lovely weekend. The client that we were supposed to go to fell through so we ended up going to donnas (our supervisor)- daughters- boyfriends- moms house (are you still following me?) to take down their fencing because their cattle rubs up against it and ruins it. So we had to clip the smooth wire, take down the small wooden posts, and then put in new posts. Along with replacing the fence we also cut back a lot of black berry and long grass along the fence line. For lunch the boyfriends mom, made us delicious lasagna and fresh green beans. I finished my work day, chain sawing down a couple tree limbs. After work we were able to go see their animals which was so fun because they had baby goats! They were absolutely adorable! They also had lots of chickens. I even caught one of the chickens (I felt a little like Rocky Balboa). After seeing the animals we went home and had P.T. We ended up playing ultimate Frisbee and not to brag or anything but my team one. At night we had dinner and our weekly team meeting.
       Yesterday as I was getting ready for the day I looked outside and it was snowing! I'm not talking about a little dusting of snow, I'm talking about really large snow flakes coming down like a flurry! Because of the snow we couldn't go to the client that we had scheduled for the day sense they lived higher up in the mountains (meaning a lot more snow and bad weather to drive through). We ended up going to donnas house and working along the road near her house because she lives in a fire wise community. The road ended up being 2 miles but it was one of the longest work days we have had thus far so we all felt really good after it. For lunch we ended up driving back to donnas house and eating on her front porch. We had a little time left before going back to work so we were able to see her horse, "Indiana Jones", and feed him carrots. After work we went home and had a little time before our peer helper meeting so I worked out a bit.
          Today we all got it the car but didn't go anywhere since the battery was dead. We called donna who ended up coming and jumped the car. Since this is the second time that our battery has died we didn't want to risk it so drove to the closest car shop. We all walked to a Starbucks near by since it was going to take a while. While we were there Amanda was calling the campus to get approval for the battery and to get new tires since the people at the car shop recommended it. Long story short we all had to leave 5 minutes after getting to Starbucks because we are only allowed to get tires at one place and a new car battery at another. So Amanda and Melissa dropped us off at work and were "planning" to drive to the closest firestone (yes its also the name of a restaurant) to get new tires. I said planning because about 10 minutes after they left we found out that they had to drive to Sacramento to replace the battery. For lunch the couples whose house we were working on fired up the grill and made us grilled chicken and hotdogs! They also made us potato salad, normal salad, guacamole, and cookies! It was the same clients who made us the taco bar for lunch the one work day. We ended up doing a lot at this property and it looked extremely different from the first time we worked on their property. Amanda and Melissa got back just as we were finishing work and then we said our final goodbyes to the couple and went home. For dinner we had chicken fettuccini and some kind of home made white mushroom sauce which was delicious!
