Monday, February 8, 2016

#34 When it rains, it pours.

         Monday morning came quick after the lovely weekend. The client that we were supposed to go to fell through so we ended up going to donnas (our supervisor)- daughters- boyfriends- moms house (are you still following me?) to take down their fencing because their cattle rubs up against it and ruins it. So we had to clip the smooth wire, take down the small wooden posts, and then put in new posts. Along with replacing the fence we also cut back a lot of black berry and long grass along the fence line. For lunch the boyfriends mom, made us delicious lasagna and fresh green beans. I finished my work day, chain sawing down a couple tree limbs. After work we were able to go see their animals which was so fun because they had baby goats! They were absolutely adorable! They also had lots of chickens. I even caught one of the chickens (I felt a little like Rocky Balboa). After seeing the animals we went home and had P.T. We ended up playing ultimate Frisbee and not to brag or anything but my team one. At night we had dinner and our weekly team meeting.
       Yesterday as I was getting ready for the day I looked outside and it was snowing! I'm not talking about a little dusting of snow, I'm talking about really large snow flakes coming down like a flurry! Because of the snow we couldn't go to the client that we had scheduled for the day sense they lived higher up in the mountains (meaning a lot more snow and bad weather to drive through). We ended up going to donnas house and working along the road near her house because she lives in a fire wise community. The road ended up being 2 miles but it was one of the longest work days we have had thus far so we all felt really good after it. For lunch we ended up driving back to donnas house and eating on her front porch. We had a little time left before going back to work so we were able to see her horse, "Indiana Jones", and feed him carrots. After work we went home and had a little time before our peer helper meeting so I worked out a bit.
          Today we all got it the car but didn't go anywhere since the battery was dead. We called donna who ended up coming and jumped the car. Since this is the second time that our battery has died we didn't want to risk it so drove to the closest car shop. We all walked to a Starbucks near by since it was going to take a while. While we were there Amanda was calling the campus to get approval for the battery and to get new tires since the people at the car shop recommended it. Long story short we all had to leave 5 minutes after getting to Starbucks because we are only allowed to get tires at one place and a new car battery at another. So Amanda and Melissa dropped us off at work and were "planning" to drive to the closest firestone (yes its also the name of a restaurant) to get new tires. I said planning because about 10 minutes after they left we found out that they had to drive to Sacramento to replace the battery. For lunch the couples whose house we were working on fired up the grill and made us grilled chicken and hotdogs! They also made us potato salad, normal salad, guacamole, and cookies! It was the same clients who made us the taco bar for lunch the one work day. We ended up doing a lot at this property and it looked extremely different from the first time we worked on their property. Amanda and Melissa got back just as we were finishing work and then we said our final goodbyes to the couple and went home. For dinner we had chicken fettuccini and some kind of home made white mushroom sauce which was delicious!


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