Monday, November 16, 2015

#15 "In the confrontation between the stream and the rock, the stream always wins... not through strength, but through persistance"

    This weekend was all sorts of fun! Yesterday (Sunday) Morning a few of my team mates and I went to a small café in Carnation called Sandy's Espresso. The café was just like all other café's with delicious coffee and pastries. They also had WiFi, so I've put it on my list of places to go when I have time to blog. While we were at Sandy's we got a call from another team mate back at the house, and it sounded like there were some problems going on. Apparently we had no more water, and someone had soup in their hair; and we found out we have mice that like to eat and poop on our dishes which are in the cupboards. We headed back home and people weren't to sure what to do, so I suggested that we sit down around the table and try to figure a plan out because people had plans to go into Seattle to different breweries, Carnation to watch the Patriots game and others to stay home. On top of that the people who stayed home hadn't had breakfast and we hadn't gone to get groceries in a while so food was limited. After a long discussion about time and being limited to only having one van, the group had to make a few sacrifices. The two girls who wanted to go into Seattle decided to go today (Monday). The people who wanted to watch the Patriots game didn't go to any restaurant. And well for me.. I was just along for the ride wherever we were going. Next was to decide what to do for lunch. It seemed to take forever to decide until thankfully my TL made an executive decision to simply go to the grocery store, and we'd each have $10 to get whatever we wanted for lunch. Some people weren't to happy about this decision because they wanted a warm meal... But after going to the store they were just fine. I ended up getting a small sourdough bread, some broccoli cheddar soup, two things of yogurt and tea. I basically made a "Panera bread"  sourdough soup bowl for my soup which was delicious! After everyone had lunch we all went to the Laundromat to wash a weeks worth of clothes. We ended up staying there for a few hours which was okay because they also had Wifi. By the time we were all done we went back home, I made a taco bell run with a few other teammates then went back home and FaceTimed my mom wishing her a Happy Birthday. Which is actually made me pretty sad not being there for her; or any other family/friends birthdays. So again Happy Birthday Mom!!
         Today was another exciting day! Three people wanted to go to Seattle, a couple people wanted to simply stay home and sleep, and me two other girls wanted to go hiking! A outdoor leisure that I want to get into. We first dropped off the 3 people heading to the city at a bus station; then headed to Snoqualmie Falls; which is another well known hiking area. it took us a while to find it but once we did we were ready to go! The first thing you see after walking up a few stairs is the huge waterfall! It was breathtaking! I don't think I had ever seen something so powerful and calming at the same time! I've seen waterfalls before but none like that and I couldn't even imagine what Niagara Falls looks like! We then began our hike to the bottom of the falls. On the way it was fun to identify some of the trees and shrubs many of which we have been planting. We even ran into the "EarthCorps" which is another branch off of AmeriCorps but is a team entirely based in Washington and all they do is work with the plants in Washington.  It was so peaceful and nice not to have the whole team there. At the bottom of the falls it was absolutely beautiful like the top. We then hiked back up to the top (which obviously was a lot harder to do with the hills.. But I got there eventually haha!) After that we headed to pick up one team mate and drop her off at a physical therapist because she ripped a muscle while doing yoga. While she was there I went to Starbucks for Wifi to finish up my last blog; and two of my team mates went with my TL to go grocery shopping. It was a win-win situation. After everyone got done, we headed home, unpacked the groceries, I set up the mouse traps (screamed because I accidently set off one while moving it. Didn't get "caught" though! No pun intended). And then went to the library where I will be until 9 because my team mate had to go pick up the three, who went to Seattle, at the bus station.
       This week will be another week full of planting trees, removing obnoxious weeds and volunteer events! All of which I'm very excitied for. While texting my dad tonight, he told me that tomorrows weather is supposed to be insane; with high winds, lots of rain and 1-2 feet of snow above 6000 feet. Will most likely have all my gear on tomorrow! Then next week is Thanksgiving! My team will be volunteering in the morning at the "Thanksgiving Turkey Trot" and in the afternoon a soup kitchen I believe, for some ISP hours. After that I believe we are having a late dinner somewhere and then a few people are staying in Seattle for the night because over our 5 day break, a few people are going to Canada. Which means I'll be at the house with a few other people for a couple days. I'm thinking of trying to get in some possible ISP hours that could be in walking distance. Maybe at Camp Korey! We'll See! all I know is that I wont get any of grandmas famous mashed potatoes & gravy or stuffing which really stinks but oh well I'll survive haha.


Sorry it's blurry because of all of the mist
On top of the falls

Bottom of the falls

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