Sunday, November 29, 2015

#19 Today, fill your cup of life with sunshine and laughter""

          Yesterday I got up at 8 and was ready to go for the big day! We left to go to the library to print off our tickets around 9:50 and arrived at the bus station around 10:40. We ended up missing the earlier bus so had to wait for the 11:30 time. We got off at a stop that was about 5 blocks away from the Space needle and hurried to get there because our tickets were originally bought for the 11:30 time. Once we got there it was easy to find where to go and got in line to get to the top!
The elevator ride goes 10 miles an hour and only takes 42 seconds to get to the top of the space needle. From the top you could see so far, it was amazing! I even Facetimed my dad so he too could see the magnificent views.  Once we were finished we went to get a bite to eat then headed back to the Chihuly Garden and glass museum. The art was spectacular! I don't think I had ever seen so many colors mixed together before. The structures looked so delicate and at the same time strikingly powerful. At the end of the gallery you went into a glass house with another art piece by Chihuly that looked like a bunch of poppy flowers floating in mid air. Outside the glass house in the garden that also held pieces of his art work, there were three students who where demonstrating the art of hand blown glass. They all worked very diligently on creating a violet vase. At the very end of the museum there was a theater that played 5-7 minute long videos of Chihuly working on different pieces, and some of his inspiration. I found it funny because he talked when he paints he doesn't think. When you think nothing will come to mind when you are ready; so he just goes for it. It reminded me of when I was younger and would ask my family what I should paint or draw. Maybe if I just went for it like Chihuly I would be famous. Oh well I guess haha. Anyways if you had never been there I highly recommend going.
After the Museum we walked to pikes place market. The market has a bunch of little shops that sells overly expensive products such as necklaces, soaps, organic produce and drawings. It was crazy how busy it was for the tree lighting ceremony. So I thought wow this event is huge! I can't wait to see the tree! We were also looking for a well known fish market called "Pikes place fish market". Pikes place is well known for the employees to always have a fun, positive attitude and to throw fish! Literally they throw fish! While we were standing there one team mate said "oh well there's the tree!" I turned around, looking for a giant tree but all I saw was a medium sized Christmas tree with knee high Christmas trees lined on the sides of buildings. The Santa that was there did a count down and we saw the lights glow. I thought it was a neat event but wasn't worth the trouble from all the crowding and people that constantly pushed.
When we finally got out of the pushing crowds we walked to the Seattle library which was giant! I walked through the library and it seemed like a maze. I actually got lost for a little bit haha. When we finally left we got on the bus around 6:30. We got home from our big day and went straight to bed.

       Today we all slept in until 8:30/9 and have been lounging around the house. I've been looking up movie theaters around Carnation with no luck. We'll see when I'm able to go see The Hunger Games: Mockingjay part 2.


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