Sunday, October 11, 2015

#2 "Life is about change. Sometimes it's painful. Sometimes it's beautiful. But most of the time, it's both."


                Well my adventure started EARLY yesterday morning, and when I say early, I mean 3AM kind of early. And if your thinking "oh she must have gone to bed early" think again. I ended up doing one last adventure with some of my best friends. We went to the Haunted Corn maze close to my house around 9:30 that night, and Tia, Brian and I didn't get back to my house until 10:30. But the fun didn't end there! Two more of by best friends, Melanie and Laurel, ended up stopping and saying bye one last time. Once they left, Olivia (another best friend) stopped to stay awhile. Olivia, Tia, Brian and I sat around my kitchen table reminiscing the past few years in which we all grew so close together and had some of the best times in our lives. By the end of that night, we were standing outside of my house at 12AM, crying and hugging. Now I don't think we were crying just because I was leaving for 10 months, but because we knew that when I came back it would never be the same. All three would either be starting college, or transferring schools. That meant no more spontaneous calling each other to see if we wanted to hangout, no more sleepovers, no more random pizza party's while watching Netflix in my basement...
           Olivia said something that night that really made me think. She said "Ya know, our parents always told us "to enjoy the time we get with our friends while were able to. Because someday when your older you won't have those kind of chances." When they said "older" I thought they meant in our late 20's/30's. Not now..."
            I knew that when I graduated, things would be a bit different. But I never really thought about the fact that we wouldn't get together like we usually did. Not only that but who knows, in the next 5-7 years, some of my friends could be married! And some may think that 5-7 years is a long way off, and your right! A lot can happen in that amount of time. But I've realized ever since the beginning of senior year, time seems to go by a lot faster. I have to keep reminding myself that although we are finishing chapter 1 of our life, we should definitely be excited for chapter 2! Learning, growing, and all the new adventures, are just a few things to look forward to.  And pondering the past won't stop the future. So might as well smile because it happened.


As I was writing this blog I thought of the song "My Wish" by Rascal flats. I heard it when I was on a church retreat my junior year and thought that it is a perfect message for all of my friends back home, and even for me as I start this 10 month journey.

Life is about change. Sometimes it's painful. Sometimes it's beautiful. But most of the time, it's both.:

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