Thursday, October 22, 2015

#5 "Be strong enough to stand alone, be yourself enough to stand apart, but be wise enough to stand together when the time comes"

Today is Thursday so that means I need to catch up on all my other days! Yayy!
Okay let's start off with Sunday. I went to mass with two other girls and the church was pretty nice, a bit different from the  Catholic church in DeKalb but hey church is church. From there I went back to campus got dressed and headed over to the base exchange which is kinda neat because it is only for military personnel, their family's  and Americorps members so I had to show my issued Id to get in, which kinda made me feel like I'm a VIP or movie star.. Anyways I decided to stay at the campus while the rest of my team but one went to old Sacramento and walked around. Once late afternoon came around I was really regretting my decision of staying at the campus. It felt like I was back home and none of my family was home to hang out with haha. Thankfully though the one team mate that stayed behind had to go to best buy to get a new phone because he lost it the first day. So our team leader asked if I wanted to go and of course I said yes! The best buy that we went to was giant! While he went to look for a new phone my team leader and I went to look at everything else and we saw refrigerators with screens on them! A few years ago I remember going to Lowes or some other kind of large store that sold different appliances and saw one refrigerator that was stainless steel and was "smudge proof" so you'd never see fingerprints! Well I had this bright idea to try all the refrigerators to see if they were "fingerprint proof" and told my team leader... long story short we had a lot of fun trying to see if they were fingerprint proof and we had about 6 employees ask if we needed any help looking for something. Just had to add that funny little story because I laugh every time I think about it. After he got the phone, the rest of the team called us saying they were ready to be picked up. Finally I'd get to be with my little "family"! They had a good time and when we got back to campus we all went to bed right away because we had physical training (PT) in the morning.

               So Monday came quick with PT at 6 AM meaning I needed to get up around 5:20 (something that I am getting used to). It really wasn't challenging at all; they probably didn't have very hard exercise's just because they knew it was the first one and we ALL were out of shape. After PT we only had an hour to take a shower, get dressed, and make breakfast in the main building which is a nightmare because you have these tiny kitchens that you have to share with another group. That means at least 20 people cramped in a kitchen trying to make breakfast and their lunch for the day. I ended up being a minute late to my teams meeting spot which does count. I can guarantee you that, that was and will be the last time I am late again. The rest of the day we had meetings, were issued our rain/snow gear and had an disaster service online training that seemed to take forever! Because it was the start to the new week, we have to start making our dinners for the whole team. For dinner the two who were in charge of making it made vegetarian chilly. I had never tasted, let alone heard of vegetarian chilly before so it was going to be interesting I thought. The chilly was AMAZING! They ended up having some meat on the side, so I had two small helpings and honestly I didn't notice any difference. What is in it you may ask? Well there was red and green peppers, onions, beans, water, corn and a few other vegetables. You then could put a little cheese and a dab of sour cream and wow it was delicious.

            Tuesdays schedule was a little different than Mondays. We started off with breakfast ( I'm learning to just make my breakfast and lunch at night after I wash my dishes from dinner). Got dressed and ready for the meetings. These included van driving class, Alcohol awareness and healthy relationships. All that didn't pertain to me whatsoever; and trust me, watching paint dry would be more fun than sitting in any of those classes. After the meetings we then had PT which was actually nice to have in the evening than in the morning. After PT I decided to just do a 20 minute jog on the treadmill we have in the dorm, before I had to go to dinner. It was a nice easy jog and was perfect timing before I had to go to dinner. That night we had cheese and tuna quesadillas, and tomato soup. Again very apprehensive on the dinner because usually if I have tuna I like to have the whole works with it (mayo, mustered, relish, and chopped up celery). And I have never liked tomato soup; but I was willing to try it. Again it was really good! I would have never guessed to put tuna in a cheese quesadilla; and with the tomato soup they put chopped up garlic, onions and canned chopped tomato so it didn't taste like regular tomato soup! I felt like I needed to start to write all these different recipes down to remember after my 10 months!

           Yesterday (Wednesday) we didn't have any PT but had a meeting inside allllll dayyyy. This meeting was all about the importance of diversity in service. Don't get me wrong I think it is great to have diversity and I do believe it is important to respect everyone's differences. But it felt like it dragged on and on. We did some different activities, one that really got my attention was the "sticker activity". We all had to close our eyes and the team leaders went around and put a sticker on our four head. From there the main lady said "find your group". One thing that was difficult was that you could not see the color of sticker you had on your own head. But other people helped you group with other people of the same color of sticker. We all ended up grouping in the same sticker color, with some people having two different colors and one girl had a completely different color than anyone else in the room. The main lady then asked us why we went to the same color on our head. And we answered because just that, they were the same color. I wont ever forget the next thing she said though.  "I said find your group. I never said find the same color." We all realized then that our group could have meant anything! It could have been our team mates, gender, height, anything! But we grouped up based on the color of the sticker. Interesting right!
After that we had dinner which was stir fry with steak and we had cake and ice cream because it was one of our team mates birthdays! At night we had "duty" which pretty much means my team was in charge of cleaning one of the dorms. When you are on duty you are in charge of taking out all the trash, vacuuming the rugs, sweeping and mopping the floors and van check which you just have to go outside and make sure all the van doors are locked and windows are up. I would say a pretty easy job.

                  I would write about today but I decide that I would leave that for the next post because
 1. It is getting really late. It's 11:20 now and I would have never thought that I would consider 11 late haha
2. I have a lot to write for today (Thursday)
3. Tomorrow we have off, but I still will be busy towards the afternoon so I will have a bit of time in the morning to write :)


Thought this quote went well with my post, not only that though, my unit is the silver unit and we refer our unit as the "wolf pack" so I thought the picture was great!


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