Saturday, October 24, 2015

#7 1/2 "Never stop exploring" pictures

Inside the Museum
Folsom Lake photos
This is a photo of what the lake used to look like. The four small wood pillars are the same in the photo below
you can tell the water used to come up a lot farther!
Panorama I took of the full lake. In the left of the photo you can see the life guard posts and
in the distance you can see the little bit of water
This is the boat ramp (if you don't know what that is, it is where they would put the boats in the water.) (The blacktop actually dips down if you cant see). In the distance you can see the water.
Standing on a rock that used to be in the middle of Folsom Lake
two of my fabulous team members (Maddie and Melissa) with the deepest part of the lake behind.

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