Tuesday, December 1, 2015

#21 "Do something today that your future self will thank you for."

        Today was our first day back after our nice thanksgiving break. We ended up going to a different trail other than the rattle snake one (that has the steep 2 mile hike up). Instead we went to Squawk trail that is near Tiger Mountain. Which was only a mile hike to our work site. There we were restoring a hiking trail by loping down the dead plants on the side of the trail. It was a relatively easy day other than carrying the tools up but it wasn't that bad of hike. The weather was beautiful and a bit warmer than usual. After work we hiked back down and went home. Another team mate and I were in charge of making dinner tonight so we made brots, baked beans and seasoned potato wedges which were amazing!! While everything was cooking we had PT that consisted of a lot of ab workouts and resistance bands. After PT and dinner we all went to the laundry mat and by then everyone was pretty tired and personally, I started to feel how tired my legs and arms were from today's work and PT haha. 
Tomorrow we are working at a new site that used to be an old army base which was taken down so they could restore natural habitat. Then at night our team is invited to a fancyish dinner! So that aught to be fun! 
Not much else to post about for today. One scary thing that happened was during break at work I looked down on my sweatshirt and there was a very large black spider crawling on me. And I'm happy to inform you all, I difknt freak out at all! 


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