Friday, December 11, 2015

#23 "I used to dream about escaping my ordinary life, but my life was never ordinary. I had simply failed to notice how extraordinary it was."

          Wednesday I awoke to thunder, lightning and a whole lot of rain. The night before they were calling for heavy rain and flooding. And boy did we get it! Around 8 AM Amanda told us the news that we were not going into work for the day because we were basically on an island with all the flooding. We were all relieved except the fact that we realized we had very little amounts of electricity, our water was not working anymore and our refrigerator was one of the appliances that shut down. But it wasn't all bad because as people were starting to wake up, Amanda told us that we had to read about rattle snake ledge (where we were most likely working sometime this week). As the first two of my team mates were reading one of them got extremely excited and was jumping up and down. The second team member, molly, started to scream with excitement. I figured that they couldn't be that excited for where we would be working on Rattle Snake Ledge. So I quickly scanned over the paper and at the bottom was a bit of information on our next project sight!!
       Our next project will be in Nevada County, CA. working with the Fire Safe Council of Nevada County. For this project we will be living in an old fire house (how cool is that!) and will be working primarily with the community! So exciting!! Once we all found out the big news we got ready and thanks to Camp Korey, were able to hangout at one of the lodges at the camp. I felt as if I was living the life of luxury there with running water, electricity, TV, WiFi, and a small fireplace that would turn on with a flip of a switch. We all took advantage of the wifi because as we near the end of our first project, it is almost like finals having to turn in different documents and write papers. Although we had TV I was surprised that I really didn't watch it. I have become so accustomed to not having TV that it no longer interests me.  At night Melissa and I made Christmas cookies and banana bread. And because it was one of our team mates birthdays we all got together and watched the Rise of the guardians. Once the movie was finished we were told that our electricity was back on so we were able to go home (I was really hoping that we would be able to stay the night at the bunk, but oh well).
       Yesterday (Thursday) we were all thinking that we would have another day off because of the floods. Until around 10:00 we got the okay that the roads were open. So at 11:00 we left to work for 1/2 the day. We went to the same park we had been at a few days ago, grubbing black berry with the WCC crew.  It sure was a muddy mess but the weather was cooperating for us. After work we came back home and quickly had PT, then went straight to the library so we would have WiFi to work on some of our papers. One of the tasks is to write a reflection on 1 of the 5 questions given. I chose to answer "What changes in your life do you want to make as a result of this learning experience?" This was my answer.          
               "The changes in which I want to make in my life, as a result of my learning experience is
 to focus on the homeless. On Thanksgiving day we had an ISP near Seattle Washington. We were to help the Lutheran church serve the homeless a Thanksgiving meal. I was in charge of greeting the people as they came into the church. Some had a smile on their face, and were thanking us. Some not so much. When I was done greeting people, I sat down with one lady and started to talk to her. I ended up learning about many big events in Sandy's life and thought, wow she has had such amazing experiences, but now is traveling from home to home living on what she has in her bags. While talking to Sandy there was a spark that was set within me. I want to help the homeless get back on their feet and start a new beginning. I want to feed and clothe as many as possible.  When you pass someone on the side of the road holding up a sign saying "hungry, please help" many people go straight to judgmental thoughts before realizing that they are a human being. Parents, siblings, neighbors, and sadly many veterans are those among the homeless. And the numbers are rapidly rising. Many of them have lost all hope, but as sandy did for me, I hope to ignite the same kind of light for each person I meet."
  Yes what I wrote sounds a little cheesy but I mean every word in which I wrote. I'm not sure exactly how I plan on doing this, I just know its something that I feel compelled to do.

        Today Silver 6 headed to Rattle Snake Ledge. My TL asked if my ankle was doing fine and really my ankle has been feeling great the past couple days. But if I were to hike up the mountain and somehow twist it a little, essentially the past couple days in which it has been getting better would be a waste. I am however getting time in which I do work for peer helper meetings and computer work. And I am ahead of my work hours so this one day to complete work is fine.
Tomorrow I am excited to work with more volunteers planting trees. Then this weekend I have an ISP with a few other team mates, in Seattle. We will be sailing on a sailboat first and once we are back, will be cleaning around the boat. After that I plan on touring Seattle because it will be the last chance I have before we return back home to Sacramento. On Monday I plan on going to different small towns with one of my team members, while the rest go snow shoeing.


thought I would add in a picture of the sunrise this morning.


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